What are the symptoms of purpuric nephritis

Mature beauty Ask questions at 12:37:08, May 18, 2024
Recommended answer

Purpura nephritis is renal damage caused by anaphylactoid purpura. Purpura nephritis is more common in children, of course, adults can also have Purpura nephritis. Henoch Schonlein purpura nephritis is caused by various allergens, including food, drugs, toxins, bacteria, viruses, etc., which lead to the allergic state of the whole body, and eventually some kidney damage. The main symptoms of purpura nephritis are needle like rashes on both lower limbs, joint pain, sometimes abdominal pain, and even gastrointestinal bleeding. In terms of kidney, the main symptoms are hematuria, increased urinary protein, edema, and even renal insufficiency. Of course, patients with purpura nephritis should be actively treated, otherwise the condition is easy to become chronic.

Mature beauty 2024-05-20 11:26:09

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