How to check pelvic peritonitis

Half city snow Ask questions at 10:48:07, April 20, 2024
Recommended answer

Pelvic peritonitis. If pelvic examination is carried out, purulent odor secretions can be seen in the vagina, cervical congestion and edema, purulent secretions flow out from the cervical mouth, the pain in the back vault is obvious, the cervical pain is lifted, and the uterine body is tender. The masses in the back vault or the side vault can be palpated, and there is a sense of movement. Triad diagnosis can often help to further understand the pelvic situation. Laboratory diagnosis: fluid can be extracted through abdominal puncture and posterior fornix puncture, most of which are pale yellow, thin bloody fluid, yellow exudate or pus. It can be sent to the laboratory for testing or bacterial culture. In case of abscess formation in ultrasonic examination, the mass can be detected by B-type ultrasonic instrument. The outline is irregular, with dense echo around and no echo inside.

Half city snow 2024-04-22 12:13:43

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