What's the reaction after metronidazole suppository

Cloud Roll Cloud Shu Ask questions on May 15, 2024-00:07:06
Recommended answer

Metronidazole suppository is a kind of suppository for the treatment of vaginitis. Most people have no special reaction after the use of metronidazole suppository. The drug disintegrates a few hours after the use of metronidazole suppository, which can lead to vaginal discharge. This is caused by the disintegration of the drug. Very few patients will have some discomfort or irritation, mainly due to the disintegration of the fluid. Of course, some people will have nausea, vomiting and other drug reactions after taking metronidazole suppository, which is very rare. Some people will have allergies and skin rashes. Generally, this drug and side effects are very small. If there are side effects, the drug should be stopped in time and other drug types should be replaced. Of course, some people also have irritation symptoms after use, such as vaginal burning. If the symptoms are mild, they can be ignored. If the symptoms are obvious, they should also change the drug.

Cloud Roll Cloud Shu 2024-05-20 11:37:11

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