Why do pimples grow repeatedly

Ugly and Cute Girl Ask questions on 2024-05-31 00:15:29
Recommended answer

The repeated acne may be caused by the following reasons: 1. If you do not pay attention to the skin cleaning in daily life, wash your face less often, and your face is often stimulated by cold wind or exposed to the sun, it will lead to repeated acne on the face. You should pay attention to the maintenance of your face. When you wash your face, you should choose suitable skin care products. When you go out, you should take sunscreen measures. 2. Repeated acne is also related to life and diet. Excessive staying up late, emotional instability or frequent consumption of some stimulating and greasy food may lead to repeated acne. You should adjust your daily sleep pattern, not stay up late and eat light food. 3. If one parent often has acne on the face at the corresponding age, and the child also has acne repeatedly, it may be caused by genetic factors.

Ugly and Cute Girl 2024-06-03 12:28:21

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