What's wrong with turbid female urine

Literary man Ask questions at 19:36:53, May 23, 2024
Recommended answer

There are several cases of female urinary turbidity: 1. Urinary tract infection, in addition to causing urinary turbidity, there are symptoms such as urgency, frequency, and pain in urination. It can be seen that the urine is flocculent, or there are many floating objects in the urine. If the routine urine examination shows that the white blood cells or the pus cells in the urine are very high, it can be diagnosed as urinary tract infection, and anti infection treatment needs to be taken with drugs. 2. If you have filariasis in chyluria, you will also have turbid urine, and the urine will have milk like changes. You need to do relevant examinations to confirm whether there is filariasis. 3. Salt crystal urine, which usually occurs in winter, has some crystals after precipitation of turbid urine, and disappears when encountering high temperature crystals. Generally, there are no other symptoms. Routine urine examination is required. If there is no other disease in the body, no treatment is needed. You can drink more water at ordinary times.

Literary man 2024-05-27 11:19:05

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