What causes hypertension

Smile and say goodbye Ask questions at 15:52:53, May 29, 2024
Recommended answer

The cause of hypertension is directly related to genetic factors. If parents have coronary heart disease or hypertension, the next generation will be prone to hypertension. In order to prevent hypertension, we should keep away from adverse factors. Acquired factors include excessive obesity, lack of exercise, long time high salt diet, long time eating pickles, too much pressure at ordinary times, mental tension, long time sleep difficulty and so on, which may be the causes of hypertension. In order to prevent hypertension, we should stay away from these bad incentives. Prevention is better than cure. There is no specific drug that can cure hypertension. The key is prevention. Keep a good attitude every day and take more exercise properly, which can increase the ability to resist disease and prevent hypertension.

Smile and say goodbye 2024-06-03 12:32:11

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