How long can the public security system check the housing records

The Kiss of Time Ask questions at 12:42:37 on June 8, 2024
Recommended answer

The time range for the public security system to query housing records is determined according to different situations. Generally speaking, different time ranges can be found for the following situations:

1. House rental query: If the public security system needs to query the rental situation of a house, it can generally query the time period of house rental, including the lease start date and expiration date.

2. House owner inquiry: If the public security system needs to inquire about a person's house ownership, it can generally inquire about all the house property information owned by that person, including the purchase time, purchase price, etc.

3. Tenant inquiry: If the public security system needs to inquire about a person's housing situation, it can generally inquire about the person's rental housing information, including rental time, duration, etc.

In general, the time range for the public security system to query housing records is determined according to the specific situation. Generally, relevant housing information can be queried, but the specific query time range needs to be determined according to the actual situation.

The Kiss of Time 2024-06-11 11:41:11

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