Can Compound Ginkgo Tongmai Oral Liquid Treat Coronary Heart Disease?

endure hardships and be capable of hard work Ask on 21:12:01, May 20, 2024
Recommended answer

Compound Ginkgo Tongmai Oral Liquid has the effects of nourishing yin and kidney, soothing the liver and unblocking the arteries. It can be used for dizziness, headache, tinnitus, deafness, blurred vision, memory loss, and limb numbness caused by mild cerebral arteriosclerosis in middle-aged and elderly people. However, it has little effect on patients with coronary heart disease, but it can also be used as an auxiliary drug. Generally, the commonly used dosage of Compound Tongmai Oral Liquid for adults is 10 ml three times a day. There is no obvious adverse reaction and no obvious contraindication during the medication process, but it should be noted that during the medication process, smoking and alcohol should be stopped, and cold, spicy and greasy food should be avoided. For patients with severe liver disease and kidney disease, It is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's guidance. If you are allergic to this drug, it is forbidden to use it. In addition, Compound Ginkgo Tongmai Oral Liquid is only used as an auxiliary drug. If you have coronary heart disease, you are suggested to go to the hospital in a timely manner for standardized treatment.

endure hardships and be capable of hard work 2024-05-27 10:36:04

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