How to take medicine most effectively in medical abortion

Dream Love Night Star Ask questions at 04:21:35, April 15, 2024
Recommended answer

For medical abortion, mifepristone tablets and misoprostol tablets are needed. Both drugs are recommended to be taken on an empty stomach for better results. When medical abortion is carried out, it is recommended to take it on an empty stomach in the morning. It is not recommended to drink too much water when taking drugs, because both drugs are irritating to the gastrointestinal tract. If you drink too much water when taking drugs, nausea and vomiting will easily occur, and the drugs will vomit out in serious cases. After taking it for 2 hours, you can eat. It is recommended to take a light diet and avoid greasy, spicy and stimulating food to avoid aggravating nausea and vomiting. After taking mifepristone, there will be no vaginal bleeding in general. After taking misoprostol tablets, there will be vaginal bleeding and slight abdominal pain 20-30 minutes later. There will be the discharge of the gestational sac and accessories 1-6 hours later. After the discharge of the gestational sac, the pregnancy will end.

Dream Love Night Star 2024-04-22 12:05:06

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