Treatment of pharyngolaryngitis in children

Jungle red maple Ask on April 17, 2024 06:05:12
Recommended answer

If a child has pharyngitis, it will be mainly manifested as tonsillitis and pharyngitis. If there are no specific symptoms of pharyngitis, or there is only a slight foreign body sensation in the throat, or a small amount of expectoration, special treatment measures may not be taken temporarily. Patients should drink more water, and can also properly use Chinese patent medicine for clearing heat and detoxification, such as Lanqin Oral Liquid. Patients should use it in a short time, and it can basically relieve symptoms in 3-5 days. \N If the patient has acute infection of pharyngitis and has severe pain, high fever, or even shortness of breath, dyspnea and other conditions in the throat, timely emergency treatment should be carried out. Most of them use antibiotics or hormones locally and systematically as local aerosol inhalation treatment. At the same time, if the patient's symptoms are serious, parents must not delay the illness, and must go to the hospital in time for emergency measures.

Jungle red maple 2024-04-22 12:03:46

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