What are the causes of cervical virus infection

Blue sea and sky Ask questions on 2024-04-23 03:20:43
Recommended answer

The causes of cervical virus infection include sexual contact transmission and bacterial vaginitis with repeated and long-term attacks. If the man is a human papillomavirus carrier, he may have condyloma acuminatum on his penis or glans. During sexual intercourse, human papillomavirus will be transmitted to women through sexual life, reproduce in women's vagina, and cause virus infection. Some women will change the acid-base environment and bacterial balance of the vagina due to repeated and long-term bacterial vaginosis. Because the beneficial flora is inhibited, when it is suitable for the growth of human papillomavirus, it will lead to foreign human papillomavirus, which will grow and multiply in the vagina, causing cervical cell infection. It is suggested that patients should pay attention to hygiene and cleanliness during sexual life and avoid multiple sexual partners. It is also necessary to exercise properly to strengthen the body's immunity.

Blue sea and sky 2024-04-28 18:04:19

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