What are the symptoms of kidney yin deficiency

restart Ask questions on May 25, 2024-05:33:26
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Kidney yin deficiency is a type of kidney deficiency, such as kidney yin loss due to chronic disease, or insufficient endowment, or excessive room labor, or excessive consumption of warm and dry products to rob yin, loss of nourishment, deficiency heat endogenous, and symptoms such as soreness of the waist and knees, dizziness and tinnitus, insomnia and dreaminess, five heart upset, hot flashes and night sweats, premature ejaculation, dry throat, red cheeks, red tongue, little fluid and no moss, and thin pulse are the main symptoms, It is called Kidney Yin Deficiency Syndrome. Kidney Yin Deficiency also often affects the lungs, heart, liver and other viscera, and presents corresponding symptoms, such as dry cough, palpitations, and liver pain. Women may also have less menstruation, abnormal menstrual cycle and other symptoms. The treatment should be based on nourishing yin and reducing fire, and Liuwei Dihuang Pill can be used as the basic formula, but the specific situation should be judged by professional doctors, and self diagnosis and treatment are not allowed.

restart 2024-05-27 11:22:32

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