How to treat functional fever

Flowers smell sweet Ask on April 22, 2024 21:31:05
Recommended answer

Traditional Chinese medicine and symptomatic treatment can be selected for the treatment of functional fever. Functional fever is a fever caused by non organic disease infection. It usually refers to the temperature below 38 ℃, accompanied by clinical symptoms and manifestations such as hyperhidrosis and fatigue. The body temperature is between 37.3 and 38 degrees Celsius and lasts for more than two weeks. Functional fever is divided into nervous functional fever and post infection fever. Neurofunctional low fever, mostly seen in young women, can last for months or years. Many patients are accompanied by nervous function instability, such as flushing, tachycardia, skin scratch and other autonomic nervous dysfunction or neurosis. Fever after infection. After the general viral or bacterial infection is controlled, the high fever subsides, but low fever can occur for a long time, accompanied by fatigue, anorexia and other phenomena. It may be related to the dysfunction of temperature regulation center and autonomic nervous system. Functional fever is a diagnosis that excludes other infectious and organic fever.

Flowers smell sweet 2024-04-28 18:04:06

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