What to do if the child has a runny nose

Aunt Bangbang Ask questions on April 18, 2024:05:57
Recommended answer

It is a common symptom in daily life that children often have runny nose and are difficult to recover. When these symptoms occur, we should first improve routine blood tests, biochemical tests, coagulation functions, allergen tests, electronic nasopharyngoscopy and other routine examinations. The common reason of patients is often due to allergic rhinitis or adenoidal hypertrophy and other related factors, which lead to recurrent runny nose. If the patient has allergic rhinitis, which leads to runny nose, we can use glucocorticoid nasal spray or antihistamine drugs orally to improve the allergic symptoms of patients. If adenoid hypertrophy causes sinusitis in children, runny nose requires surgical ablation of adenoid hypertrophy to improve nasal drainage.

Aunt Bangbang 2024-04-22 12:03:49

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