Chest changes in early pregnancy

No one is strong for you Ask questions on June 21, 2024-11:13:22
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Women can create two surprises for our life, one is to marry our men, giving us a new home, the other is to have our baby, giving us a new life. We should take good care of them. When a woman is pregnant, she usually says that her chest is distended and painful, or how about her chest? What about the changes in her chest at the beginning of pregnancy?

If you are pregnant this month, estrogen and progesterone will also act on the tissue that produces milk, making R chamber feel swollen and numb. If there is no pregnancy, the R chamber will usually return to its original shape and become more sensitive before the month comes. When sperm and egg combine to become a fertilized egg and begin to grow in the egg, estrogen and progesterone will increase significantly. For R room, all changes began: the production and delivery tissues of milk immediately flourished. Signs and signs: At first, there will be no obvious feeling, but the changes in your body will make you react quickly. Many girls will feel heavy, painful and tight in the R chamber - this is the first signal of pregnancy. Some people feel like the pain in the R room before the month comes, but it is more severe than that. What to do: There is nothing special to do, just test whether you are pregnant. The method of cold compress may help you relieve the pain and tension in R room. What will happen in R room in early pregnancy? Condition: The increase of estrogen makes the milk delivery tube extend and expand out of branches. The increase of progesterone level will promote the growth of bubbles in the mammary gland's grape like gland (this is the place where milk will be produced in the future). More blood flows to the r chamber. Adipose tissue also began to accumulate, surround and cushion around the extended milk delivery tube and gland. Signs and signs: * The head will become more firm and sensitive* The halo gradually expands and the color becomes darker* The pimples around the halo (this is the halo gland, also known as Montgomery gland, which is responsible for secreting an oily antibacterial substance, which can clean, lubricate and protect the head) will become more prominent. The whole R room will be enlarged, and the texture of the surface skin will be more obvious. The tightness, heaviness and fullness of room r will still be significant. During the whole pregnancy, the R chambers on both sides will gain about 900g weight respectively. A bra with a suitable cup can help you protect the health of the R chamber. It should be noted that you should never buy a small one, otherwise, it will limit the normal development of breast tissue and affect future lactation. Don't just buy a larger size for economic reasons. You can use it in order to increase the size of the R room in the future. This kind of unsuitable bra can't support the heavy R room and protect the gland from comfortable growth.

My male compatriots, after hearing my introduction, you should understand that women have some pain at the beginning of pregnancy, so we should take care of them carefully and not let them get hurt and sad. Women, if you think there is any change in your chest at the beginning of pregnancy, it is normal. Don't worry too much. As long as the mother and son are safe!

No one is strong for you 2024-06-24 11:26:53

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