Where did the postpartum placenta go? Is it recycled or discarded? The doctor revealed the truth, and the mother regretted it

Heart to heart Ask questions on 2024-06-23 21:45:52
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Indeed, we don't know when this rumor started. Some people think that the placenta is very important after a woman gives birth. For example, eating the placenta can strengthen the body. If you can eat the placenta, you can stay young forever. Is that really the case? We should be cautious.

Xiao Liu is now seven months pregnant. It seems that there are three months left before her baby will be born in this world. At this time, Xiao Liu met his mother-in-law, who said, "You must keep the placenta when the time comes, and I will make it into a dish to eat." After hearing this, Xiao Liu suddenly felt sick, and did not expect that the placenta could still be eaten.

But then her mother-in-law said a series of words, which made Xiao Liu feel that the placenta had some magic. Her mother-in-law said: "If the weak and sickly people can eat the placenta, they can make their bodies better and better, and even play the role of rejuvenation." Little Liu Zhen did not expect that the placenta could have such a role. Could it be said that after eating their own placenta, they would be reborn?

Before long, Xiao Liu gave birth to the baby. During the operation, Xiao Liu said to the doctor, "Can you leave my placenta? My mother-in-law said that she would cook food." When the doctor heard this sentence, he was speechless for a moment, and then had no choice but to say: "We all throw out the placenta as garbage, and you eat it. How disgusting!"

Now Xiao Liu doesn't understand why the doctor and his mother-in-law have different ideas? Whose idea is the most correct?

In fact, different people have different views on this matter. Some people really think that the placenta plays a very important role after a woman gives birth, for example, it can make her body better and better after eating. If we really want to understand this problem, we should first understand what the placenta is.

What is the placenta?

In fact, many people do not know what the placenta is. In fact, it is part of the amniotic membrane and the liquid hair membrane of the fetus, and then added to the decidua of the woman's body. This is a large oval plate, which weighs about one kilogram.

This thing has two faces in total, one of which is the fetal face and the other is the maternal face. The fetal face is mainly grayish white and translucent. The appearance of the female is dark red, which will be closer to the flesh color.

Can eating placenta really replenish the body?

I have to say that in real life, I do hear such a statement, and many people have studied various ways to eat the placenta. Then some people will doubt that the placenta can really be eaten? In fact, we can take an objective view on this issue. The placenta is indeed edible.

In theory, any parts that fall off our bodies can be eaten, such as teeth or meat. Eating the placenta is definitely not a rare thing. If we really want to eat placenta, then we can take it home to cook.

But the most important thing is that the placenta is really not a good thing. Even if some people thought that the placenta could be used as a medicine, this has been confirmed for a long time. It has been kicked out by the Pharmacopoeia, so even if it is eaten in the mouth, it will not play any substantive role, so no one would recommend eating this kind of thing.

How are placentas treated?

In fact, this is also a question questioned by many people, and on this issue, the former Ministry of Health has already expressed its own views. In fact, after a woman gives birth to a child, the placenta can be owned by the mother, which means that the mother can occupy the placenta by her own ideas. In general, doctors will discuss with pregnant women how to deal with the placenta.

If we look at this problem from the perspective of the hospital, the placenta is generally treated as waste, and then it is destroyed by putting disinfectant directly, or even incinerated together with some medical waste. Of course, some doctors will give the placenta to the puerpera, but they also need the puerpera to deal with these things in time, otherwise it is easy to breed bacteria.

Of course, if the mother suffers from infectious diseases, there must be some viruses in the placenta, which can only be treated as medical waste.

Therefore, women should never think the placenta is a good thing, nor should they worry that hospitals will resell the placenta. Because this kind of thing itself has no substantive value, even if it is left at home, it will not play any role. Therefore, we should never think about the placenta, because it is totally unnecessary.

Heart to heart 2024-06-24 11:23:03

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