Ranking of the Eight World Powerful Countries

Forget the past Ask questions on 2024-06-09 05:46:47
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The ranking of the world's eight major powers usually refers to the eight countries with the strongest economic strength, military strength and international influence in the world. The following is the current ranking of the world's eight major powers:

1. The United States: The United States is the largest economy and military power in the world. Its gross domestic product (GDP) is up to 21.43 trillion US dollars, accounting for about 25% of the global economy. The United States is also a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and has an important influence on the global political and economic pattern.

2. China: China is the world's most populous country and the world's second largest economy. By 2020, China's GDP will reach US $14.3 trillion, accounting for about 16% of the global economy. China is also a permanent member of the UN Security Council, and its influence in international affairs is growing.

3. Japan: Japan is one of the most developed countries in the world. Its GDP is up to 5.15 trillion US dollars, accounting for about 6% of the total global economy. Japan is also an important innovation center in the field of global science, technology and culture, and has an important influence on global economic and cultural development.

4. Germany: Germany is one of the largest economies in Europe, with a GDP of 4.17 trillion US dollars, accounting for about 5% of the total global economy. Germany is also an important member of the European Union and has an important influence on Europe and the global political and economic pattern.

5. Britain: Britain is one of the largest financial centers in Europe. Its GDP is up to 2.62 trillion US dollars, accounting for about 3% of the total global economy. The UK is also a permanent member of the UN Security Council and has an important influence on the global political and economic pattern.

6. France: France is one of the largest armed forces in Europe. Its GDP is up to US $2.58 trillion, accounting for about 3% of the total global economy. France is also an important member of the European Union and has an important influence on Europe and the global political and economic pattern.

7. Italy: Italy is one of the largest manufacturing countries in Europe. Its GDP is up to 1.85 trillion US dollars, accounting for about 2% of the global economy. Italy is also an important member of the European Union and has an important influence on Europe and the global political and economic pattern.

8. Canada: Canada is one of the largest countries in North America. Its GDP is up to US $1.65 trillion, accounting for about 2% of the global economy. Canada is also one of the G7 countries and has a certain influence on the global political and economic pattern.

It should be noted that the ranking of the world's eight major powers may vary due to different standards and data sources. In addition, with the continuous development of global political, economic and technological changes, the ranking of the world's eight major powers may also change.

Forget the past 2024-06-11 11:38:32

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