Don't be fooled by this "false image" 15 days after delivery. Many mothers suffer losses, leaving behind the disease of confinement

Drink the deep heart Ask questions at 16:53:54 on June 21, 2024
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After giving birth to a child, many female friends have to sit in the confinement for 42 days or so. More than that, there is another saying that after 42 days of confinement, women will have to sit for another two months to recover better.

However, the fact is that many women don't even have time to sit in a 42 day old baby, not to mention a small one. The 42 day old baby has become an "extravagant hope", not to mention another two months of baby sitting.

Case: The baby was born 15 days after delivery, and the sequelae were found three months later

After marrying her husband, Ms. Zhang conceived a baby a year later. Because of the difficult family conditions, even if she was pregnant, Ms. Zhang insisted on working until she was about to give birth, and decided to go home two days before giving birth. After giving birth, although the company has arranged maternity leave, everyone knows that for private enterprises, The job may be replaced at any time, so Ms. Zhang decided to return to work after 15 months.

At first, Ms. Zhang was a little worried. After all, everyone else sat for at least one month, while she sat for half a month, afraid of leaving any problems. But in order to withstand the pressure of life, there is really no way.

In half a month's time, Ms. Zhang spent her childbearing period carefully, afraid of any problems. After half a month, Ms. Zhang felt that her physical condition was much easier, and she felt that she had recovered well at that time, so she decided to rush back to work.

After Ms. Zhang returned to work, she felt that except for being a little tired, everything else was OK. And I didn't feel any problems in the next month or two. It was not until the third month that Ms. Zhang suddenly found that she had a strong pain in her lower abdomen, so she went to the hospital. After examination, she knew that her son's condition was very poor.

And the doctor also said that because her son didn't recover well, there was a serious problem of uterine cold, which might affect the subsequent pregnancy, and her function was also greatly affected, if not properly recuperated, the sequelae would be more serious. At this time, Ms. Zhang felt regretful. She had known that she would have sat for an extra period of time, which was not bad.

Don't be fooled by this "false image" 15 days after delivery. Many mothers suffer losses and suffer from puerperal diseases

Many mothers must have found that after giving birth, especially about 15 days after giving birth, the body will suddenly feel relaxed, so many people mistook this feeling for that the body has recovered. However, in fact, this is just a "false appearance", because it is not a signal that the body has fully recovered. If you are blinded by this false appearance and hastily go out of the month, you may be left with the disease of confinement.

Let's talk about why the maternal body suddenly feels relaxed about 15 days after delivery. In fact, this problem is partly due to the fact that the lochia of the maternal body at this stage is almost eliminated. At this time, there is only a little residual, and the amount of elimination is relatively small and slow. But the overall body is relatively relaxed, and the size of the child has also recovered almost at this time, Therefore, it will also make the puerpera feel more relaxed.

On the other hand, the reason is that after the birth of a child, the maternal vitality is consumed more, and she will feel more tired and weak. After half a month of recuperation, the physical strength will slowly recover, and the whole person's spirit and spirit will also recover better, so the maternal status will naturally be better at this time.

Therefore, it is necessary to remind Baoma that they should not mistake the sudden relaxation of the body for the recovery of the body about 15 days after delivery. If the month ends in a hurry at this time, I am afraid that many sequelae will be left later.

Because in the next half month, even if the excretion of lochia is almost complete, the function of the child, the endocrine system and hormone level of the parturient have not been completely stabilized, so it still needs a long time to help recover.

Not only that, the pelvis, birth canal, and the ligaments and muscle groups of the entire reproductive system of the pregnant woman also need a long recovery time, and a short period of half a month will definitely not be able to fully recover. If this stage is not used well, then in the later stage, urine leakage, migraine and other problems may even occur, which are still relatively mild symptoms. If it is more serious, it will pose a greater threat to some women who want to continue their second or third pregnancy.

In addition, it should also be noted that if you do not sit well during the puerperal period, it may also affect the recovery of the maternal ovaries, which is also closely related to women's health and should not be underestimated.

Conclusion: During the confinement period, there are many such "false" problems. I hope that the puerpera can carefully identify them. It is the key to sit in the confinement carefully.

Drink the deep heart 2024-06-24 11:23:00

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