What medicine to take for damp heat of spleen and stomach

Contentment is bliss Ask questions on 2024-05-18 05:16:46
Recommended answer

You can take ginseng invigorating spleen pill, Huanglianqing stomach pill, Xiangsha Liujun pill, etc. However, due to the different constitution, etiology and severity of the disease of each person, there are certain differences in medication. If it is necessary to use drugs, it is better to follow the doctor's advice, so as to avoid that improper use of drugs will affect the health, and if it is serious, it may aggravate the symptoms. During the drug treatment, do not eat spicy, cold and greasy food on the diet, otherwise it is not conducive to the recovery of the body and may affect the efficacy. The diet should be light as far as possible, but the nutrition should be balanced and diversified. You can eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and drink more warm water. At ordinary times, you should ensure sufficient sleep time and do not get tired.

Contentment is bliss 2024-05-20 11:29:14

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