How to treat baby's otitis media

Harmony between heaven, earth and man Ask on April 23, 2024 01:13:03
Recommended answer

Otitis media in babies can also be divided into different age groups. Otitis media in children under 1 year old may be caused by water entering the ear, counter choking, choking milk, and choking water. The physical signs showed that there was mucopurulent secretion in the baby's ears. In this case, in addition to the daily cleaning of the external auditory canal, attention should be paid to the feeding method. The baby is not allowed to eat water in the supine position to reduce the possibility of anti choking. For children over 1 year old, it may be necessary to consider upper respiratory tract infection, and the middle ear caused by bacteria retrograde infection along the eustachian tube. The main complaint is severe pain, accompanied by cough, fever and other symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the pressure of the nasal cavity by intraear medication, oral antibiotics, mucus drainage enhancers, and nasal sprays. This conservative treatment is effective.

Harmony between heaven, earth and man 2024-04-28 17:55:21

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