How is kidney yang deficiency caused

Beloved old lover Ask on 2024-05-22 23:27:49
Recommended answer

Kidney yang deficiency refers to a series of deficiency cold syndrome caused by the decline of kidney yang, inability to warm and nourish, and dysfunction of qi. Patients with kidney yang deficiency mostly show chilliness, cold hands and feet, sweating when slightly moving, mental fatigue, obesity, lethargy, edema, diarrhea or constipation at the fifth hour, thin tongue, dysmenorrhea in women, less menstruation, premature ejaculation in men, impotence and other symptoms. The main causes of kidney yang deficiency are as follows: 1. weak physique at ordinary times; 2. Old age and kidney failure; 3. The disease lasts for a long time and finally affects the kidney; 4. Excessive sexual intercourse will consume the kidney and weaken the yang. Patients with kidney yang deficiency can usually eat more mutton, beef, longan, leek isothermal tonifying kidney yang.

Beloved old lover 2024-05-27 11:22:36

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