Side effects of Xiaoer Ganganning Mixture

Drink all the worldly things Ask questions at 14:50:02, May 21, 2024
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The side effects of drugs vary from person to person. The main ingredients of Xiaoer Ganganning Mixture are peppermint, schizonepeta, almond, burdock, scutellaria baicalensis, platycodon grandiflorum, bupleurum chinense, angelica dahurica, gardenia, hawthorn, Liushenqu, malt, reed root, honeysuckle, and forsythia suspense. It is relatively safe in terms of drug composition. However, children should be more cautious in drug use. If allergic symptoms occur, the drug should be stopped in time, and appropriate treatment should be carried out when necessary. In addition, attention should be paid to the dosage of drugs. Do not use large amounts of drugs for a long time to avoid hurting the spleen and stomach, because the spleen and stomach of children are delicate and vulnerable. In addition, attention should be paid to the use of Chinese patent medicines, which must be applied dialectically and should not be abused. Xiaoer Ganmao Ning Mixture has the effect of dispersing wind heat, clearing heat and relieving cough. It is suitable for the treatment of children's cold with fever, uncomfortable sweating, stuffy nose, runny nose, cough, swollen throat and pain.

Drink all the worldly things 2024-05-27 10:36:07

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