At first, the blood pressure is too high. What kind of medicine should I take

From the beginning Ask questions at 14:39:35 on May 22, 2024
Recommended answer

At the beginning of the increase in blood pressure, it is necessary to understand the cause of hypertension, whether it is primary hypertension or secondary hypertension. Secondary hypertension refers to hypertension with specific disease causes. The common causes are hyperthyroidism hypertension, adrenal hypertension and renal hypertension. Primary hypertension is caused by environment and factors. In the selection of antihypertensive drugs, long-term stable antihypertensive drugs can usually be selected. According to the elevated level, hypertension can be divided into 1 to 3 levels. Generally, hypertension at level 1 is mild hypertension, and blood pressure can be reduced to normal by improving lifestyle, eating low salt and fat, losing weight, strengthening exercise, reducing mental stress, improving sleep and other ways. If the blood pressure continues to rise instead of falling, reaching the level of hypertension level 2, then drugs should be selected for antihypertensive treatment. The selection of antihypertensive drugs should also be based on the specific situation.

From the beginning 2024-05-27 10:38:22

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