How to treat xerophthalmia

one's nobility lasts forever Ask questions at 15:17:47, May 30, 2024
Recommended answer

Dry eye is a very common disease in ophthalmology clinic. If a patient has dry eye, the main symptoms are dryness, eye fatigue, foreign body sensation, and other symptoms include burning, eye distension, eye pain, photophobia, and red eyes. These symptoms seriously affect the quality of life of the patient. Especially in today's rapid development of science, electronic products are widely used, Many people will see a doctor because of dry eyes. So the main way to treat dry eye clinically is to supplement tears. Generally speaking, we recommend that patients use artificial tears without preservatives. At the same time, we should avoid using electronic products for a long time during treatment. For those with meibomian gland dysfunction, we should eliminate inflammation of the eyelid margin. At the same time, I personally suggest that we should keep enough sleep, Improve bad living habits.

one's nobility lasts forever 2024-06-03 12:30:30

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