What chemotherapeutic drugs are used for malignant melanoma

peony Ask questions at 17:37:49, May 14, 2024
Recommended answer

After the primary focus of malignant melanoma is expanded and resected, those who need chemotherapy generally follow the international standard: adjuvant chemotherapy for skin and limb melanoma, and large dose interferon is used domestically and internationally. The domestic standard requirement is to use interferon. The usage is different in different disease stages, and IIA patients can use it for one month at most. IIB and IIIC can be used for one year at most. For mucosal melanoma, there are two recommended adjuvant chemotherapy schemes: one is temozolom based chemotherapy; One is a large dose of interferon, both of which can be used. For stage IV or metastatic melanoma, dacarbazine plus Ndu is the gold standard for first-line treatment. At present, the individualized targeted treatment of melanoma, such as BRAF inhibitors, has achieved amazing results.

peony 2024-05-20 11:31:04

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