What anti-inflammatory drugs can be taken for osteomyelitis

freely flowing style of writing Ask questions at 11:43:17, May 25, 2024
Recommended answer

For osteomyelitis, the main reason is that the body resistance is relatively weak, or there was an open wound at that time. It is mainly the growth and reproduction of bacteria that cause inflammation of bone marrow. It is mainly manifested as local purulent discharge. Some patients may experience local distension and pain. Generally, osteomyelitis is highly suspected in this case. The use of anti inflammatory drugs for osteomyelitis should not be indiscriminately used, because some drugs may be insensitive or even resistant. Over time, the massive use of antibiotics will have the opposite effect. For this situation, the best treatment is to go to the orthopaedics department of the regular hospital, first take the secretion and send it to the laboratory for a bacterial culture. It is the best way to select effective antibiotics to control infection according to the results of bacterial culture test. Most osteomyelitis can be controlled after treatment.

freely flowing style of writing 2024-05-27 10:42:33

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