What to do if pregnant women have less amniotic fluid

only this and nothing more Ask questions at 11:11:50 on June 23, 2024
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We all know that amniotic fluid is very important for pregnant women. It can provide some nutrition for our baby and also ensure the healthy growth of our baby. However, if the amniotic fluid of pregnant women is too little, it will affect the development of our baby and cause great damage to our treasure. What should we do if the amniotic fluid of pregnant women is too little? What is the solution to oligohydramnios? Let's take a look at the introduction.

Amniotic fluid can not only guarantee the health of the baby, but also maintain the life and health of the baby, so it is indispensable. During the first three months of pregnancy, amniotic fluid is mainly formed through the plasma components in the embryo. With the gradual development of the embryo, the urine, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, etc. of the fetus will become important components of amniotic fluid.

Amniotic fluid volume measurement is an important index to evaluate whether pregnancy is normal or not. However, it is difficult for us to correctly assess the amount of amniotic fluid after a layer of belly separation. At present, most hospitals understand the amniotic fluid volume through B ultrasound, and adopt the "amniotic fluid index method" to determine whether the amniotic fluid volume is normal. The method is: divide sub * into four quadrants, measure the maximum depth of amniotic fluid in each quadrant respectively, and then add them together to find the total. The total value within the range of 8~24 cm is normal. Less than 8 indicates oligohydramnios, and more than 24 indicates oligohydramnios.

And oligohydramnios is also an important manifestation of fetal abnormalities or maternal latent diseases. Even if there was no abnormality in the fetus at that time, after birth, the periodic morbidity and mortality rate of such newborns were higher than that of ordinary infants. Therefore, when oligohydramnios occurs, the cause should be found out immediately.

The common causes are mothers: mothers have insufficient water intake, hypovolemia, drug effects, pregnancy hypertension and other conditions; In terms of fetus: water break in early pregnancy, fetal growth retardation, overdue and over mature fetus, fetal abnormalities (such as fetal urinary system abnormalities), placental insufficiency; Other aspects: medical treatment or no obvious reason.

When it is found that the pregnant woman has premature delivery and water break, it must be tested whether she can continue to have an abortion, or whether the infection is quite serious and she must give birth as soon as possible; When fetal abnormalities are found, it is necessary to determine whether it is intrauterine treatment or early delivery, or full term delivery for further treatment.

If oligohydramnios is combined with fetal growth retardation, early delivery must be considered, because it already means that there is some degree of fetal distress, and continued pregnancy cannot ensure safety.

This is how to deal with the problem of oligohydramnios in pregnant women. I hope it can help you. In fact, oligohydramnios poses a serious threat to the health of the fetus, which will not only lead to malformations of the fetus, but also lead to stillbirth. So when we find oligohydramnios, we must solve it as soon as possible.

only this and nothing more 2024-06-24 11:25:53

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