Where is the most famous origin of Jiangsu hairy crabs

Look down on everything Ask on 2024-06-06 07:18:55
Recommended answer

The most famous origin of Jiangsu hairy crabs is Guangling District, Yangzhou City.

Guangling District, located in the center of Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, is an important part of Yangzhou City. Guangling District has superior geographical location and rich water resources, which is one of the high-quality production areas of hairy crabs in Jiangsu Province. The hairy crabs in Guangling District are famous for their delicious meat, rich cream, plump body and ruddy shell color, and are known as the "No.1 Crab in Jiangnan".

Guangling District has a long history of hairy crab breeding, and has been an important origin of hairy crabs since ancient times. The hairy crab breeding technology in Guangling District is very mature. The traditional pond breeding method is used to ensure the quality of hairy crabs. In addition, the hairy crabs in Guangling District have also obtained the certification of national geographical indication protection products, ensuring their quality and regional characteristics.

In short, the most famous origin of Jiangsu hairy crabs is Guangling District, Yangzhou City. Its hairy crabs are famous for their delicious meat, rich cream, plump body and ruddy shell color, and are one of the best hairy crabs in Jiangnan.

Look down on everything 2024-06-11 11:34:05

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