Treatment of prostatic cyst

beyond dreams Ask questions at 12:58:17, May 13, 2024
Recommended answer

For small and asymptomatic cysts, treatment is not required, and attention should be paid to reexamination. For relatively large cysts or cysts with infection, obstruction and compression symptoms, surgical treatment should be considered, and the surgical plan should combine the size and specific location of the cysts. For superficial cysts, it can be considered to conduct puncture treatment through anal canal, and the cyst fluid needs to be repeatedly aspirated to seal the cyst. Large cysts or cysts that have been infected need incision and drainage. At present, the most commonly used surgical plan is transurethral resection of cysts. Young patients must be careful to operate, and retain the seminal caruncle to ensure the ejaculation function of young patients. Pay attention to personal hygiene, ensure smooth stool, keep a pleasant mood, eat light, avoid spicy food stimulation, sit for a long time, etc., which can reduce the incidence of disease.

beyond dreams 2024-05-20 11:44:07

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