How about the effect of Miao Fang hemorrhoid ointment

Acacia turns into red tears Ask on April 17, 2024 01:21:04
Recommended answer

Miaofang hemorrhoid ointment can effectively alleviate the clinical symptoms caused by mild hemorrhoids, but it cannot cure severe hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids is a common disease around the rectum and anus. The typical clinical manifestation is blood dripping after defecation or bright red blood on the stool surface, generally without perianal pain and discomfort. When the clinical symptoms are not obvious, you can take a 1:5000 potassium permanganate warm water hip bath, and apply Miao Fang hemorrhoid ointment or hemorrhoid suppository locally. Most of the symptoms can be alleviated or even cured. Once the hemorrhoids are stuck outside the anus and cannot be returned, forming thrombotic external hemorrhoids or complicated with massive bleeding, surgery is often required, and the operation methods are mainly hemorrhoid internal ligation and external stripping or circumcision of hemorrhoid mucosa. In short, don't panic when suffering from hemorrhoids. Mild hemorrhoids can be cured by drugs, while moderate and severe hemorrhoids need to go to the regular hospital for anorectal surgery or general surgery, and select an appropriate treatment plan after evaluation by a specialist.

Acacia turns into red tears 2024-04-22 12:07:11

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