What causes right ovarian pain

Not Romantic Charges Ask questions at 23:45:33, April 23, 2024
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Most of the pain in women's right ovary may be caused by inflammatory stimulation of the ovary, but it may also be caused by rupture or torsion of the ovarian cyst. In addition, for women with ovarian pregnancy, the rupture of the pregnancy mass will cause sudden pain in the left ovary, which is often particularly severe, and may also be accompanied by symptoms of hemorrhagic shock such as panic and fatigue. Therefore, women usually need to do a comprehensive examination to determine the specific cause of right ovarian pain. If it is caused by inflammation, you may need to use antibiotics to carry out the corresponding anti-inflammatory and pain relief treatment, and it is prohibited to have sex during the anti-inflammatory treatment.

Not Romantic Charges 2024-04-28 18:05:25

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