Baby has phlegm in his throat. What kind of medicine is good for resolving phlegm

the elderly Ask questions on 2024-05-30 10:48:26
Recommended answer

The baby has phlegm in his throat. On the one hand, there is inflammation in his throat, such as herpetic angina. The inflammation in his throat will produce exudates. Because of throat pain, these exudates and saliva cannot be swallowed, so he will be in his throat and feel there is phlegm in his throat. On the one hand, you can spray the throat sword or interferon alpha spray on the baby's throat, and on the other hand, you can also take oral antipyretic and detoxifying drugs, such as Qingkailing granules. There are also some babies who can't cough when they have bronchitis, and there is a sound of phlegm in their throat. At this time, you can give babies oral anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as some expectorant drugs, such as ambroxol, acetylcysteine particles, etc. Some babies also have allergic rhinitis. The nasal mucus in the nasal cavity will flow back to the back wall of the pharynx, and there will be a sound of phlegm in the back wall of the pharynx. At this time, the baby can spray the nasal cavity with physiological seawater, and can also take Xiantemin drops and montelukast sodium, an antagonist of leukotriene receptor.

the elderly 2024-06-03 12:23:40

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