What's the matter with little pimples on the glans

Forget the past Ask on 2024-04-25 03:42:07
Recommended answer

Small pimples on the glans may be caused by sexually transmitted diseases or common infections. If these small pimples appear after unclean sexual behavior, first of all, close observation should be made; If these pimples quickly become some small blisters, consider genital herpes caused by herpes virus infection; If the pimple breaks again after a period of time and becomes a small ulcer, and then continues to heal, then this will eliminate the performance of syphilis chancre. In addition to sexually transmitted diseases, there are some common infections, which can also cause pimples on the glans, such as mycotic balanitis, and can also form small papules on the glans, which are mostly accompanied by white, cheese like secretions; Others, like scabies, can form small scabies nodules on the glans after being bitten by scabies mites or parasitized by local glans.

Forget the past 2024-04-28 18:07:22

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