How to deal with gastroenteritis in pregnant women

Wait for an old man Ask questions on 2024-06-22 14:06:46
Recommended answer

When we are pregnant, we should pay special attention to our own health. If some diseases occur, we should take the best method to treat them and recover as soon as possible. Otherwise, the virus will directly affect the healthy growth of the fetus in their abdomen, especially some intestinal diseases, Because when the intestines suffer from diseases, the nutrients you ingest will not be well digested, and your baby may be stunted


Try to fast for one or two meals first, let the stomach and intestines rest and expel the unclean food (possibly food, medicine, bacteria or virus) from the body as soon as possible through diarrhea. Generally speaking, vomiting will be relieved first, and you may feel a little nausea and upper abdominal discomfort.

[Eat a little]

After that, you can eat a small amount of non greasy food or fruit such as porridge and white toast to avoid cold sweating and fainting due to low blood sugar.

[Supplement moisture]

If diarrhea causes a large loss of water and electrolytes, and you feel dizzy and weak, sports drinks will improve your discomfort. The amount of supplement depends on the diarrhea situation.

[Do not drip at will]

Pregnant women are not recommended to go to the hospital for intravenous drip unless they are infected with cholera or have shock, are not aware of it, vomit severely and cannot eat!

[Do not take antidiarrheal by yourself]

In case of severe acute gastroenteritis, take medicine moderately according to the doctor's instructions to alleviate the symptoms. If you have fever, watery diarrhea with blood, and suspect infectious enteritis, please do not take antidiarrheal on your own to avoid aggravation!

In addition, pregnant women must not use some drugs on their own in ordinary times. If they use some drugs on their own, it will lead to side effects. Even if they want to treat gastroenteritis, they should wait for the guidance of the doctor before taking drugs. The best thing is not to take antidiarrheals, but to properly supplement their bodies with water, But don't drink too much.

Wait for an old man 2024-06-24 11:28:10

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