What to do with cerebral hypoxia

Bamboo Elegant Dream Ask questions at 06:38:31, April 22, 2024
Recommended answer

Cerebral hypoxia is usually caused by insufficient blood supply of cerebral artery, because the oxygen needed by our brain tissue is mainly supplied by arterial blood. If the cerebral artery is insufficient, including the vertebrobasilar artery and the internal carotid artery system, it will lead to cerebral hypoxia. In this case, we should actively treat cerebral arteriosclerosis, and we can consider taking oral atorvastatin calcium. If the patient is suffering from cerebral hypoxia due to other reasons, such as pulmonary infection with severe airway obstruction, we should actively establish an artificial airway, and if necessary, we should use a respirator to assist ventilation.

Bamboo Elegant Dream 2024-04-28 11:17:47

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