How to deal with herpes zoster itching at night

Cherish you from now on Ask on April 17, 2024 23:28:51
Recommended answer

The itching of herpes zoster at night can be relieved by oral medicine and topical medicine. The first is to take oral medicine to relieve itching. The commonly used oral medicine is pregabalin. This medicine itself is a pain reliever, but it can act on nerves and relieve itching, so it can be taken. The second is anti allergy drugs. Some people still itch after taking pain relievers, which can also be combined with anti allergy drugs, such as loratadine, cetirizine, etc. The third kind of medicine is for external use. For external use, pain relieving ointment, such as lidocaine cream, is usually used. This kind of medicine itself is an anesthetic. It can paralyze nerves, so it can relieve pain and itching. Therefore, if the itching of herpes zoster is intolerable, it can be treated by oral administration combined with external drugs.

Cherish you from now on 2024-04-22 11:53:52

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