What to pay attention to myocarditis

Cloud of hometown Ask questions at 15:58:55, May 29, 2024
Recommended answer

Patients with myocarditis must have more rest and do not take strenuous exercise, because a large amount of exercise will increase the oxygen consumption of the myocardium, increase the burden on the heart, and easily aggravate myocarditis. Patients with myocarditis generally need to be hospitalized and stay in bed for at least 2-4 weeks. This disease is generally caused by pathogen infection, and some are caused by non infectious factors. If myocarditis is caused by infection factors, it generally shows fever, rapid heartbeat, chest pain, palpitation and shortness of breath, so symptomatic treatment and etiological treatment should be carried out. Patients with fever should generally use antipyretic drugs, which should be used under the guidance of doctors. If it is caused by bacterial infection, it should be treated with antibiotics. If it is caused by virus infection, antiviral treatment is required.

Cloud of hometown 2024-06-03 12:24:09

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