How to deal with infection and fever after chemotherapy for leukemia

Shanxiu Xiqing Ask on May 6, 2024-18:25:17
Recommended answer

The infection and fever of leukemia patients after chemotherapy are mostly due to bone marrow suppression, lack of peripheral blood neutrophils, decreased self resistance, and easily secondary to various bacterial, fungal, and viral infections leading to fever. In this case, the first thing to do is to physically cool the patient and drink more water. If the axillary temperature exceeds 38.5 ℃, non steroidal antipyretics can be used for symptomatic treatment. In addition, it is also necessary to use broad-spectrum antibiotics and antifungal drugs for anti infection treatment. Before use, blood culture, sputum culture, urine culture and other tests are required, and sensitive drugs are selected for treatment according to the results of drug sensitivity tests. For patients with neutropenia, recombinant human granulocyte stimulating factor can be used to improve granulocyte therapy.

Shanxiu Xiqing 2024-05-13 11:05:33

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