What medicine to drink for ovarian cyst

Ash falling keyboard Ask questions at 10:34:16, May 14, 2024
Recommended answer

Because the causes of ovarian cysts are different, the medicine for ovarian cysts varies from person to person. If the female's ovarian cyst is caused by the stimulation of high levels of hormone in the body, but the ovarian cyst is less than 5cm, which does not meet the surgical indications, then it can be treated conservatively with drugs, often taking Guizhi Fuling Pill or Jingangteng Capsule to inhibit the enlargement of the ovarian cyst. Because the ovarian cyst is believed to be caused by accumulation of phlegm and dampness in traditional Chinese medicine, we can take the traditional Chinese medicine of invigorating the spleen, removing dampness and resolving phlegm to recuperate it. However, if women have ovarian cysts caused by endometriosis, they can take pain relieving drugs when dysmenorrhea occurs, such as ibuprofen sustained-release capsules.

Ash falling keyboard 2024-05-20 11:43:25

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