Is stomach disease contagious

Covet private storage Ask questions on May 29, 2024-14:03:50
Recommended answer

Generally, stomach disease is not contagious. Gastric diseases are mostly caused by improper diet, emotional stress or often staying up late. Gastroscopy can be done to confirm whether there are gastric erosion, gastric ulcer or antritis and other diseases. After diagnosis, it can be used to treat symptomatic inflammation and repair gastric mucosa. During the treatment, pay attention to the light diet, and do not eat spicy, stimulating and indigestible food. Pay attention to emotional regulation, keep your mood happy, and don't stay up late. If it is a stomach disease caused by Helicobacter pylori infection, it can be cross infected through bowls and chopsticks. It can be confirmed by breath test and found that Helicobacter pylori can be eradicated by quadruple therapy.

Covet private storage 2024-06-03 12:22:09

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