How to do the old people with hypoglycemic coma?

Recalling the past Ask questions on April 27, 2024 00:31:47
Recommended answer

In this case, because the patient is delirious and unable to supplement glucose by stuttering, it is necessary to establish a venous pathway at the first time, give high glucose intravenously to supplement glucose, correct hypoglycemia, and closely monitor the blood glucose. It is recommended to measure the blood glucose at the fingertip every 15 minutes. If the blood glucose is still below 3.9, it is necessary to give 50% glucose intravenously for emergency rescue, After the patient's blood sugar is stable, the cause of hypoglycemia should be found. If the treatment plan is improper, the treatment plan should be adjusted in time. If the patient is suspected of having an islet cell tumor, thin slice CT scanning of the pancreas should be carried out. If necessary, the pancreatic artery should be segmented. In short, correcting hypoglycemia is the first step, Finding the cause of hypoglycemia is the fundamental treatment.

Recalling the past 2024-04-28 17:57:13

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