How to alleviate the sore muscles of a cold?

Look at the white clouds floating in the sky Ask questions at 12:18:35, May 10, 2024
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How to relieve colds and muscle aches? Cold and muscle soreness are caused by fever, chills, and muscle soreness caused by virus infection. What should we do at this time? We should actively deal with fever and cough caused by colds. The common course of a cold is about a week. If the cold symptoms are not obvious, we just need to pay attention to rest, drink more water and eat more fresh vegetables. These muscle soreness symptoms will gradually ease. If the symptoms are serious, we need to use some anti cold drugs to alleviate the symptoms. With the remission of the disease, the muscle soreness will gradually improve.

Look at the white clouds floating in the sky 2024-05-13 11:21:48

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