What is the cause of right breast pain

The old city warms people's hearts Ask questions on 2024-05-11 04:24:46
Recommended answer

When the patient has pain in the right breast, it may be caused by hyperplasia of the breast, infection, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other reasons. Pain in the right breast may be caused by hyperplasia of the breast, which is a common disease and can usually be detected by breast ultrasound. After suffering from this disease, some anti hyperplasia drugs can be used under the guidance of doctors. Pain may also be caused by spontaneous pneumothorax on the right side. Most of the cases are caused by young patients, especially those who are thin. When people exercise violently, the patient's upper respiratory tract is infected and the body is too tired, the patient will have chest pain symptoms. In addition to pain, the patient will also have local chest tightness Activities are restricted. If the patient suffers from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pleurisy and other diseases, the patient may also have chest pain symptoms, and the patient may also be hindered when breathing deeply.

The old city warms people's hearts 2024-05-13 11:22:44

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