Two ways to open the knot in your heart

Rewrite happiness Ask on June 21, 2024-23:37:37
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Many people will have some unsolvable things in their hearts, and then they have been blocked in their hearts. As time goes by, they will suffer from psychological diseases. In serious cases, they may want to end their lives because of the unsolvable knots in their minds. When you have a knot, you can either find the person who set it for you. If you can't find it, you can only untie it by yourself. Today, I will teach you how to untie the knot in your heart.

Opinions determine mental health

As a western proverb says, "The same thing is heaven if you think about it, and hell if you don't think about it." In the view of experts in cognitive therapy, one of the most popular schools of psychotherapy today, the formation of human psychological problems can be divided into three steps: incentives (family conflict, emotional breakdown, career frustration, interpersonal disharmony), unreasonable beliefs (wrong understanding of incentives), Results (bad behavior and emotions). Among them, irrational belief is the crux. In terms of the core idea of cognitive therapy, it is "the way you look at the world determines the way the world treats you". And "can't take it easy" is the irrational belief that plays a leading role.

In fact, nine out of ten people are unhappy in life, and it is common that they can't change their minds for a while, which is justifiable. The process of dealing with setbacks is also an opportunity for us to stop to reflect deeply and exercise our own thinking and emotional intelligence, and it is worth encouraging to turn positive action into positive action after thinking about it. However, if the performance of taking things too hard is too long, such as the idea that "there is no sense in living, it is better to commit suicide" has lasted for more than two weeks, then depression should be considered.

Wesler, a famous cognitive therapist, summarized the common "obsessive" into three types.

I think too much. That is to say, take a part for the whole, seize a mistake and overthrow the whole thing. After six years of emotional baptism, Li Ting and her husband finally entered the marriage palace. However, they were upset because their husband's wedding banquet had the wrong seats. After marriage, her husband could not leave the "eccentric eye" evaluation.

Less thought. That is to say, everything is black or white, and there is no room for maneuver. On the Internet, a woman who was angry with her husband and "mistress" and committed suicide was once hyped up. Some experts analyzed that her problem was that she put all her life's bets on her feelings.

I think it's bad. There are two sides to everything, but only the bad side. Once upon a time, there was a worried old woman. Her eldest son sold umbrellas and her youngest son dried salt. So the old lady worried about her eldest son on sunny days and her youngest son on rainy days, so she was not happy every day.

Look at the positive side of things

Cognitive therapy is a professional means of psychotherapy, but its principle can also be used for self adjustment.

People who think too much should find evidence to refute their unreasonable beliefs. Li Ting has labeled her husband "eccentric". Now she can find some contrary evidence to refute her. For example, her husband is very diligent when he goes to his mother's house, but lazy when he goes back to his husband's house.

People who think less should constantly remind themselves that there are other possibilities. The match burned in the pocket, but fortunately there was no gunpowder in it; I pricked my finger and thanked God for not sticking it in my eyes

People who think badly should look for the positive side of things. After the wise man's advice, the old lady finally realized that it is easy to sell umbrellas in rainy days and sun salt in sunny days, and both sons need not worry.

There is nothing that can't be solved, only you can't take care of it yourself. Many ideas are just a slip of the imagination. If you think it through, you will be fine. If you don't think it through, you may go on the wrong path. So when you have a knot in your heart, read this article and do as it says. I believe you can open the knot in your heart and face life again.

Rewrite happiness 2024-06-24 11:20:41

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