What to eat for people with low blood pressure

Rose with thorns Ask questions at 11:48:41, May 23, 2024
Recommended answer

People with low blood pressure should eat more food rich in high quality protein and cholesterol, such as eggs, pork, beef, fish, milk, pig liver, beans and bean products. They should eat some vegetables and fruits properly. Their diet is salty at ordinary times, and they should add more water. They can also eat some ginseng, codonopsis pilosula, jujube and other food that can supplement qi and blood, It is beneficial to improve the state of hypotension. At ordinary times, we also need to exercise more. Of course, some hypotension is caused by disease. At this time, we need to go to the hospital to find out the primary disease that causes hypotension in time and treat different diseases accordingly.

Rose with thorns 2024-05-27 10:42:36

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