What to do in the late stage of cirrhosis

Bright Sword Ask questions at 19:06:24, April 19, 2024
Recommended answer

In the late stage of liver cirrhosis, the possibility of a complete cure is zero, because this disease cannot be completely cured. In the late stage of liver cirrhosis, some symptomatic treatments are mainly taken. By using some drugs to improve liver function and treat complications, the disease can be controlled and alleviated, and the impact and damage to the patient's body can be caused. Generally, it can be improved after treatment. The late stage of liver cirrhosis indicates that the disease is relatively serious. In addition to receiving treatment at this time, some dietary adjustments are also needed. Patients should be given foods with high protein, high fiber, high calorie and easy digestion. Do not eat some indigestible food, or it may cause some uncomfortable symptoms.

Bright Sword 2024-04-22 11:55:34

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