Function of safflower

Rewrite happiness Ask questions on 2024-05-18 20:56:42
Recommended answer

Activating blood circulation and activating menstruation, dissipating blood stasis and relieving pain. Safflower has a pungent taste and warm nature. It belongs to the heart and liver meridians. Safflower is the dried flower of the compositae plant safflower. It has the effects of promoting blood circulation, dredging meridians, removing blood stasis and relieving pain. It can be used to promote blood circulation. The safflower yellow pigment contained in safflower can significantly prolong the clotting time, thus playing a role in promoting blood circulation. Secondly, safflower contains rich safflower seed oil, which can significantly increase the activity of cholesterol acyltransferase, thus playing a role in reducing blood lipids. Moreover, various effective ingredients in safflower can affect immune function, antagonize platelet activating factor receptor, eliminate oxygen free radicals, and also can antagonize various inflammatory factors, with good anti-inflammatory effect, thus playing a very good role in protecting and protecting the liver. In addition, safflower can also increase coronary blood flow, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and treat chest stuffiness and heartache.

Rewrite happiness 2024-05-20 11:31:10

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