When should donkey hide gelatin be eaten every day

be cynical Ask on 2024-05-18 08:28:05
Recommended answer

There is no specific requirement on when to take donkey hide gelatin every day, but in general, it is recommended to take it 1 to 2 hours after meals. Donkey hide gelatin is a common tonic. Its main effect is to enrich blood, qi and kidney. It has a good effect on improving the body's resistance and delaying aging. However, not all people are suitable for taking Ejiao, and you should consult a TCM doctor before taking Ejiao. Take proper amount of donkey hide gelatin. It's not that the more you take, the better the effect. During taking, avoid eating cold, spicy and stimulating food, and avoid drinking.

be cynical 2024-05-20 11:32:52

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