More than a few manifestations of menstrual bleeding? What should I do?

Writing about breaking rivers and mountains Ask questions at 17:19:48 on June 21, 2024
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What should I do if the bleeding doesn't stop? First of all, female friends should go to the hospital for gynecological examination. Understand the causes of continuous bleeding. Finally, under the guidance of doctors, the correct response, of course, daily adjuvant treatment is also very important.

What to do if the bleeding doesn't stop

1. First, we need to select the gynecology department of a regular hospital for examination. If there is too much monthly bleeding, it may be caused by excessive estrogen secretion or fibroids and other diseases, which can be judged by B-ultrasound and hormone six examinations.

2. If it is determined that excessive bleeding is caused by organic diseases, medical hemostasis and surgical treatment are required. Women with excessive bleeding also need to take medical iron, so that patients can stay away from the damage caused by anemia and reduce the incidence of shock and fainting!

3. Monthly bleeding is not only confined to bed rest. If a woman has too much bleeding, it will lead to dizziness. At this time, if she cannot keep still, it will accelerate blood circulation, thus increasing the amount of bleeding, and will also aggravate the bleeding due to the vibration caused by the action.

4. Women will be weak and have less blood gas in the coming month. Especially for the amount of bleeding beyond the normal range, we must eat more protein rich food, and we can also eat some red dates, angelica, black beans, etc.

5. If the amount of bleeding exceeds the normal range, even if it is massive bleeding, the body temperature will drop. Everyone should pay attention to keeping warm at this time to avoid hypothermia, which will increase the death rate of patients!

Several manifestations of continuous bleeding

1. The child * has irregular bleeding. Menopause women often have an early or wrong month, which is totally irregular.

2. The month * is frequent. The monthly cycle is shortened, generally less than 21 days, and the amount and days of bleeding are normal.

3. Excessive monthly quantity. The monthly cycle is normal, but the amount of bleeding each time is too much, up to hundreds of milliliters.

4. The month is endless. Although the monthly cycle of some women is normal, there is a small amount of bleeding several days before the monthly tide, and the color is often dark. After several days of monthly tide, the bleeding is endless, and the bleeding lasts for more than ten days before and after the monthly tide.

5. Bleeding during ovulation. About 10 days after the month * is clean, a small amount of blood flows out from the * channel. Sometimes it is clean in one or two days, which is called ovulation bleeding.

How to check if there is more than bleeding

1. Endocrine measurement: At present, it can measure pituitary gonadotropin, prolactin, hormones secreted by ovary, thyroid and adrenal cortex. Simple methods commonly used in clinic to understand ovarian function include smear, cervical mucus, basal body temperature and endometrial biopsy. This is a monthly inspection method.

2. X-ray examination: Iodine oil radiography can be used to understand the internal cavity of the child and whether there is submucous myoma or polyp. Anterior and lateral section of sella turcica can be used to know whether there is pituitary tumor.

3. Cytological examination: check the ovarian function and exclude malignant lesions. This is also a monthly inspection item.

4. Biopsy: to determine the nature of the lesion, which is often used for the diagnosis of tumors. This kind of monthly inspection is quite common.

Writing about breaking rivers and mountains 2024-06-24 11:15:05

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