What traditional Chinese medicine to treat urethritis

Plain is true Ask on May 6, 2024-17:05:57
Recommended answer

In case of mild urethritis, it can be considered to use the heat clearing and leaching forest in Chinese medicine in time, such as Sanjin Tablets, Hot Leaching Granules, etc., which has a certain effect on the frequent pain and burning sensation of urination caused by urinary system infection. However, severe urinary tract infections often lead to gross hematuria and fever. Simple sexual use of traditional Chinese medicine is often ineffective, and it needs to be treated with other types of antibiotics, such as quinolones or cephalosporins. If necessary, you can consider going to the hospital in time for a routine urine examination. During the treatment of urethritis, we must pay attention to drinking as much water as possible. The daily amount of drinking water should reach 2500mL, which can effectively reduce symptoms.

Plain is true 2024-05-13 11:04:36

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